Key concepts

foglet-core allows to build fog computing applications, i.e., applications that runs in a fog of browsers. Such application is called a Foglet.

A Foglet connect browsers through a Random Peer Sampling (RPS) overlay network [1]. Such a network approximates a random graph where each data consumer is connected to a fixed number of neighbors. It is resilient to churn, to failures and communication with neighbors is a zero-hop.

In the context of browsers, basic communications rely on WebRTC to establish a data-channel between browsers and SPRAY [2] to enable RPS on WebRTC. Each browser maintains a set of neighbors K called a view that is a random subset of the whole network. To keep its view random, a data consumer renews it periodically by shuffling its view with the view of a random neighbor.

As a Foglet rely on WebRTC for communication, it requires a signaling server to disocver new peers and ICE servers to connect browsers, throught NAT for example. These points will be discussed in details later.

Indices and tables